Living in the Light - Week 9 // June 23, 2024

Join us for the final week of the series titled, “Living in the Light” as Pastor Beau Hamilton (Youth Pastor at BCC) preaches on the passage of 1 John 5:13-23. We wrap up the series with the writer of 1 John urging once again to follow the ways of Jesus and then in a “mic-drop” moment ends the book warning against idolizing any other things than God.

If you missed any of the messages in “Living in the Light” don’t worry, sermons 1-8 are available through this very same podcast page.

Things to consider as you listen:

  • Prayer is a way to gain intimacy with God

  • Jesus is the truth that leads to eternal life

  • If we are truly living in the love of God, we have no room to let anything else take the place of our God