The Church Embodied - Week 3 // October 13, 2024

Continuing on with the series, “The Church Embodied”, Pastor Jeni preaches on the passage of Matthew 5:13-16 in a section all about Jesus-followers being “salt and light”. In this message, Pastor Jeni challenges our thoughts on what being a City on a Hill meant to Jesus and his audience when His message was preached, and what it means to us now in this present-day context. Join us for week 3 as we once again discover how the Church was meant to be an embodiment of Jesus in a world yearning for Him.

Things to consider as you listen:

  • To be the City on a Hill is to be a community of people devoted to living out God’s new social order.

  • A single candle in the dark does very little - - - > “YOU”

  • A collection of candles transform the darkness - - - > “YA’LL”

  • God gave us embodied community so that we would never be alone.

  • God also gave us embodied community so that God’s kingdom might come on earth as it is in heaven.

  • When we love our neighbors, the whole goal of communicating, “You matter to us”, is always so that they might come to know that they matter to God.