The Church Embodied - Week 3 // October 13, 2024
Continuing on with the series, “The Church Embodied”, Pastor Jeni preaches on the passage of Matthew 5:13-16 in a section all about Jesus-followers being “salt and light”. In this message, Pastor Jeni challenges our thoughts on what being a City on a Hill meant to Jesus and his audience when His message was preached, and what it means to us now in this present-day context. Join us for week 3 as we once again discover how the Church was meant to be an embodiment of Jesus in a world yearning for Him.
Things to consider as you listen:
To be the City on a Hill is to be a community of people devoted to living out God’s new social order.
A single candle in the dark does very little - - - > “YOU”
A collection of candles transform the darkness - - - > “YA’LL”
God gave us embodied community so that we would never be alone.
God also gave us embodied community so that God’s kingdom might come on earth as it is in heaven.
When we love our neighbors, the whole goal of communicating, “You matter to us”, is always so that they might come to know that they matter to God.