The Church Embodied - Celebration Sunday // September 29, 2024

This week was a special Sunday during which our English-speaking and Spanish-speaking congregations joined together for what we call Celebration Sunday. There was bilingual music, bilingual membership installations, and much more. Pastor Jeni preached on John 1:1-14. Within this text, Pastor Jeni talked about the antidote of loneliness being the Church and how the Church embodies the gift of life-transforming community. Join us for this exciting message on the importance of the Church and how God set us up to be vital to our walk with Christ.

Things to consider as you listen:

  • God’s Church is the Antidote to loneliness.

  • The Church matters because we embody the gift of life-transforming community.

  • Life-transforming community - carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ - is God’s strategy to reach the world.

Bentonville Community Church