Emboldened Together

Eve. Ruth. Esther. Deborah. Mary Magdalene. 
Perhaps these names are familiar to you as you think about women in the Bible.  
But how about some of these?
Huldah. Lois. Lydia. Priscilla. Junia.
Scripture is brimming with examples of women who lead--women whose influence are integral to the story of God.  
Today, however, many question the role of women in leadership in the church.  Maybe this is a question you've never explored yourself. Maybe this is an issue you've heard a lot about in the past, and are wondering what the Bible has to say about the role of women in the church.  Whatever your background may be--let's explore God's Word together, examining the evidence of female leadership throughout Scripture--and remind ourselves why the question of women in the pulpit, for the Church of the Nazarene, has been settled since our denomination's inception in 1908.