Please Disturb...My Worldview

We all have a lens through which we see the world, other people, and the issues of our day. Our lens is shaped by family history, religion, life experiences, and one other thing we'd rather not talk about...sin.

One of the things we believe about humanity is that "all have sinned." That includes everyone. Sin distorts our perception of reality. It skews everything we perceive in the world towards self-centeredness.

Jesus came into the world to correct our perception of reality that skews hopelessly toward ourselves. As a people who are taught to pray, "your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven", we must surrender our view of the world to the lordship of Christ. Imagine the Church standing courageously in the public sphere and daring to see the world the way God sees it...through the lens of his love. It would change the world, and maybe it begins with simple, but brave prayer, "Lord, please disturb my worldview."

Listen as we dare to pray this prayer together.

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